Happy Memorial Day! How I spent my weekend.
Hi everyone, Happy day after Memorial day. I had such a wonderful weekend at home. I had hoped to go camping with my family this weekend but couldn't get Saturday off unfortunately. So with that I spent the weekend doing some major schoolwork that needed done. Finished my final project for two of my classes (only 27 pages later).
I did drive up Sunday to where they were camping and saw them all for the day and went on a quick hike with everyone. My family really understand the importance of staying active even in their adulthood and older years. Staying active over time will overall help your bones and joints along with your mood as you get older knowing you can still live your life without limitations.
My boyfriend stayed home with me this weekend since I couldn't go and we had a lovely weekend in. We were in charge of watching my families dogs since they couldn't go with unfortunately. But don't worry we took great care of them. We brought them up to the Pet Pub and used the self grooming station and gave them both nice cool baths and got cleaned up and after they got treats and a good nap.
A nice start to each day was a nice breakfast. I had to snap a picture of these awesome smoothies I made for us on Friday. They were made of fresh strawberries and blueberries, coconut milk, and a splash of vanilla. They were amazing. Just so refreshing and if you wanna try it you could even add some protein powder just to get a start on the day.
Overall it was a pretty easy going weekend. Stayed movin' throughout all the chores and schoolwork and got to sleep in and catch up on sleep.
Sounds very fun and refreshing!