Gym Etiquette

 There's a lot of things that go into being a respectful customer and gym member. Attire, Attitude, and Cleanliness are definitely the top 3. I'll go into them more deeply in this post. But before that I wanted to Let you all know about where you can reach me and see more of the things I share related to gym inspiration, meal prep recipes, updates on life and motivation resources. 

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    Obviously first things first, make sure you dress comfortable so you can move and your body isn't restricted by the clothing when working out. Choosing something that you are comfortable in is important but you need to be aware of those around you. Some people may not be comfortable if you have all your skin out and are showing certain body parts more than others. Obviously know that their opinion isn't always the first thing to take into consideration but know that they are there to work out to and there is no need to ruin their experience by not dressing appropriate. 


When your in the gym, before you go in remind yourself of the reason you're there. To better yourself, maybe make friends with common goals, maybe something else. So is everyone else. It's so important to remind yourself that everyone there is working towards a better future. Don't go in with a bad attitude. They are working just as hard as you and you never know what things could be discouraging to a person. Bring a positive and encouraging attitude to all those you meet and interact with at the gym. 


It's proper etiquette to clean up after yourself at the gym (and all places if we're being realistic). Whether that includes wiping seats of equipment after you're done. Washing your hands before beginning a workout. Wearing deodorant or perfume to keep bad BO to a minimum (it's natural but controllable). 


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