Holding ourselves accountable

 So this is something I struggle with in the gym and in other situations of life. Holding myself accountable. Gonna be blunt about it, sometimes life is hard and it's hard to make time for the important things. Today we're going to focus on the gym aspect of it. I use a few different methods to hold myself accountable in the gym. I'll share them with you with the hope it helps you all too. 

Tell important people in your life about your goals

This is so important I can't even stress it. Telling your family and friends about your goals helps me so much. Tell people who you know will bring it up, ask about your progress, or are on a similar boat as you. Finding people who can give you tough love when it comes to your dreams is what makes them happen. Though on the days that you don't feel motivated it may come across as a bother and may get upset that they bring up doing the things that need done. In the end you'll know those people as more loyal and supportive than ever. 

Create a reward system

This is another one I think is really easy and beneficial to do. Make a reward system. I do this by every week I complete a full 4 days of workouts I get myself Starbucks. It's something small enough that it's not gonna be setting back progress but something I rarely get so it's an exciting occasion. Another example some of my friends use is allowing themselves to have something small like a lazy day or buy something they want to splurge on. Obviously you can reward yourself as often as you'd like but you have to make sure you have control over it and aren't "abusing the system".

Other resources

Here's a few different sites I've used to come up with these plans myself 
Better Up- mental health 
Indeed- business and life related
Forbes- business and how to grow individually


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